SNAPSHOT Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Lucy, Linus and the rest of the beloved “Peanuts” gang make their big-screen debut, like they’ve never been seen before, in state of the art 3D animation. Charlie Brown, the world’s most beloved underdog, embarks upon an epic and heroic quest, while his best pal, Continue Reading
All the feels and then some: UP in real life
It’s rare indeed that life is anywhere near as wonderful as that which people imagine when they create their art. That’s not to say that life is unremittingly awful; simply that it rarely is as perfectly realised as that which we conjure up. But in the case of the Continue Reading
Halloween books: Who’s the scariest monster in literature?
So who’s the scariest of them all? Well, when it comes to monsters in literature that is. No one doubt there will be as many opinions as there are monsters – as a great big scaredy cat, I will happily admit to finding them all quite scary in their Continue Reading
Halloween weekend pop art: 7 stunning monster posters from Universal
If you were out on a dark and stormy night, the last creatures you want to run into would be the likes of Dracula, The Wolf Man, The Mummy, The Bride of Frankenstein, Frankenstein, The Creature From the Black Lagoon and The Invisible Man. They are pretty argue down Continue Reading