Loosely inspired by the life of American socialite Florence Foster Jenkins (of whom there is an impending film mere weeks from cinematic release), Marguerite, directed by Xavier Giannoli is a poignant tale of one woman’s search for meaning in a life deceptively bereft of it. To all intents and Continue Reading
Can zombies swim? The cast of Fear the Walking Dead explain how
VIDEO SNAPSHOT What happened in season 1 and where did we leave our frazzled bunch of survivors? Check out this recap video courtesy of AMC and find out … So no doubt there is one thought that keeps you up at night, as it does me – Continue Reading
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story asks the question – What will you become? (teaser trailer)
SNAPSHOT Set between the events of Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, the plot of the movie revolves around a band of resistance fighters unite for a daring mission to steal the Death Star plans, and a very impressive cast has been assembled made up of names Continue Reading