SNAPSHOTFantasmagorie is a short silent animated film created in 1908 by French caricaturist Émile Cohl that is considered the world’s first animated cartoon. The film follows the surreal adventures of a stick figure and is just over a minute in length. (synopsis (c) Laughing Squid) Where dd Mickey Mouse, Betty Continue Reading
Book review: On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong
On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong is a rare and special thing. A book that is so exquisitely and gorgeously well-written, that possesses such a richly-poetic and tender soul that you gasp again and again as you read its transcendantly beautiful writing and yet, which feels deeply emotionally Continue Reading
Weekend pop art: New luscious Wizard of Oz posters #Happy80th
I have read, watched and generally taken in a great of fantasy storytelling in my time. And yet for all the wondrous tales I have read, the one that sticks with me, and many others, is the one that takes me far away from the everyday while still validating the Continue Reading