(courtesy IMP Awards) SNAPSHOTSpellbound follows the adventures of Ellian, the tenacious young daughter of the rulers of Lumbria who must go on a daring quest to save her family and kingdom after a mysterious spell transforms her parents into monsters. Spellbound also features an original score from EGOT-winning composer Alan Continue Reading
Book review: Ghost of the Neon God by T. R. Napper
(courtesy NewSouth Books) There is something magnificently enthralling about bearing witness to a talented author conjuring up an entire near-future world from the ground up in just 110 tautly-written pages. From nothing, we are led with brutal vivacity and a readily identifiable broken humanity into a dystopian world where civilisation Continue Reading
Movie review: Deadpool & Wolverine
(courtesy IMP Awards) We get it – saving the world, the multiverse, the life of a treasured loved one or friend, is SERIOUS. All caps, black font and dour countenance. Sure, but when did superhero movies get so damn grim? Sure, they are dealing with some deeply intense issues and Continue Reading
Book review: The Excitements by C. J. Wray
(courtesy Hachette Australia) Dancing deftly between the whimsical and the emotional weighty is a tricky thing to pull off in any novel. Tip too far either way, and the now-lesser part of the story feels pointless, a drag on a narrative that clearly wants to go one way in particular Continue Reading