Created by Mindy Kaling and Lang Fisher, the dramatic comedy follows Indian American teenager Devi (Maitreyi Ramakrishnan) as she navigates family, friends, and high school life. The whole ordeal don’t seem to be getting any easier for her in the second season though, as she’s torn between her physical attraction to Paxton (Darren Barnet) and her intellectual attraction to Ben (Jaren Lewison) The solution, of course, is to date both of them. There is no way this could go wrong. (synopsis (c) Mashable)
Being alive is difficult; being a teenager is about a gazillion times more complicated.
That much became gloriously, hilariously obvious when the Mindy Kaling and Lang Fisher produced Netflix gem, Never Have I Ever premiered on Netflix last year, and it’s set to be confirmed as a truth even more definitively on 15 July when the second season of the show releases.
This time around Devi has found love, twice (!), and while that’s a wonderful thing, it’s made a whole lot problematic by the fact that she likes both guys – one for the intelligent, nerdy bond, and the other for the sex.
What to do? WHAT … TO … DO?
Why, date them both since that has never gone wrong for anyone and will naturally work out in the hands of a teenager who’s still figuring life out, with the help of her besties who never to be a little more clued in that Devi is.
This decision is going to go all kinds of disastrously wrong and I suspect we will be laughing all the way, heart still very much in hand, all the way through the season’s happy and sad (Devi still has some grieving to do, remember?) episodes.
Never Have I Ever season 2 debuts on Netflix on 15 July 2021.