Can there be such a thing as too much Matt Damon?
No, of course not – what a crazy thing to even ask!
But should you not have a million hours in the day, and short of some Doctor Who-esque jiggery-pokery with timey-wimey, it’s unlikely you do, and can’t watch all of Damon’s movies in one sitting (you didn’t see them in the cinema? For shame!) then James Corden, ebulliently-creative of The Late Late Show has come to your rescue.
Together he and Damon, one of the nicest, most down-to-earth stars on the planet – yes I’m a fan; can you tell? – act out key scenes, or rather suggestions of scenes from the star’s varied, and almost uniformly rewarding career.
And the results are gloriously, hilariously entertaining, a succinct reminder of why Matt Damon is so beloved not just on the screen but off it as well.