My new favourite Coldplay songs!

I adore Coldplay! I know some hip snobsters sneer at their mainstream-ness but being the sort of person that rejects snobbery in any and every form, and abhors people who elevate high art over low art – arbitary subjective delineations if ever there was some! – but I love their Continue Reading

Hey Dee Dee B!

Dee Dee Bridgewater in concert – Sydney Opera House – Saturday 28 May 2011 Wow! I am not an R & B or Jazz aficionado, and was only here because my R & B devoted Fahmi bought tickets to the concert for my gorgeous guy and I so we could Continue Reading

Going Troppo Over Gaga?

Lots of people are, and with a new CD out, the excitement levels only bound to spike still higher. Lady Gaga, who’s music I quite like, has quite the talent for re-invention and creativity, much like the woman who’s career she models herself on, Madonna, and in the lead up Continue Reading

Movie review: Thor

My lord it’s been a mainstream movie fest this week! Usually I avoid a lot of these big tentpole blockbusters, not because I am some sort of twisted movie snob preferring only movies about suffering Romanian peasants during the Depression – although that could be kind of gripping….or not – Continue Reading