Brandy Klark (Aubrey Plaza) spent her entire high school career as an overachiever. While this has left her set for college intellectually, it means that she missed out on a lot of important “experiences” along the way.As a solution, she comes up with a “to-do list” of all the risqué, extra-curricular activities she missed out on and wants to complete before college. Along the way, she learns a lot about herself and inadvertently experiences much more than she originally set out to. (source: tribute.ca)
Wouldn’t it be great if the unruly, unpredictable beast of life could be tamed with one or two well thought out to-do lists?
All it would take to bring order to the gothic horror madness of our day to day lives would be to put the numbers 1 to 10 down the side of a notebook page, fill in the things that need doing in the order they needed doing and hey presto!
Life would be tamed and we could breath a sigh of relief, with anxiety about where we’re heading and whether we’ll be doing enough when we get there banished.
If only it were that simple.

Well in Brandy Clark’s high-achieving world that’s exactly what happens.
Write a list, tick off the list, bask in the glory of glorious achievement.
Only that kind of approach only really works, assuming it actually works at all, in the safe reasonably-ordered confines of a sealed off environment like high school.
Out in the real world, and yes that does include the sink-or-swim world of college, life isn’t so easily put in its place as Brandy discovers when she sets out to tick off a whole host of things she left off her list in high school including losing her virginity.
With the magnificent Aubrey Plaza (Safety Not Guaranteed, Parks and Recreation) this looks like it could be a whole lot of intelligent coming to grips with the realities of life fun.
Count me in!
It’s #1 on my list when it opens in the USA on 26 July 2013, UK on 4 October 2013 and Australia … well, no idea really. Stay tuned.