Who actually reads Terms and Conditions (T & Cs) documents? Anyone? anyone? Bueller? Just as I thought – NO ONE. Yeah, yeah we totally should so we know if the vendor we’re signing up with is going to require our firstborn in the event of a missed bill or Continue Reading
On 1st day of Christmas … I decorated my tree with pop culture ornaments
I am both a Christmas tree addict and a pop culture junkie. All of which means that with the arrival of the most wonderful time of the year, my thoughts tend to go to covering my delightful artificial pine tree – when I was growing natural pine trees were Continue Reading
Books for the apocalypse: 3 books I would read while I waited it out
*This post originally appeared on writingbar.com* We are obsessed with the apocalypse right now. If it’s not the four horsemen of the apocalypse getting to gallop their world-ending way though life we know it, its zombies or aliens or a planet stripped bare of resources by the rapacious march of Continue Reading
Weekend pop art #3: What lies beneath the pop culture veneer?
Roaming across one of the most interesting, fun sites on the internet recently, Flavorewire.com, I came across a piece by Johnny Otis on the highly imaginative one-of-a-kind work of Brooklyn-based Jason Feeny, whose artistic modus operandi is to see, in the words of Otis, “what lies beneath the shiny veneer Continue Reading