Hello Odo and Kira my old friends! Time to go back to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine with new comics series

SNAPSHOT“Death casts its shadow as Constable Odo searches for truth amid a web of treachery and lies. Everyone on the Promanade has a motive for this murder, be it vengeance, justice… or old-fashioned greed.” (synopsis courtesy TrekMovie.com) If you ask most Star Trek fans which series they love above all Continue Reading

The delightfulness of Charlie Brown’s Christmas Stocking #Peanuts #ChristmasInJuly

There’s no question that Peanuts makes Christmas special. Spending time with Snoopy, Charlie Brown. Lucy, Sally and the rest of the thoughtfully lovable cast of characters brings not only a richness to proceedings since these are kids who really think things through, but a quirky delightfulness as they pose the Continue Reading