Most of us will far too young to recall those headily optimistic days when everyone envisaged the future as a time of limitless potential, a paradise-in-waiting given form by flying cars, machines doing all the drudgerous tasks that take us away from the doing the things we love, and Continue Reading
Comic review: Rocko’s Modern Life (issues 1 & 2)
One of the great delights of Rocko’s Modern Life, one of the great cartoons of Nickolodeon’s ’90s line-up which is finding new life in comics and on the screen again, has always been its devotion to anarchic silliness. Taking a leaf out of the manic hilarity of Looney Tunes Continue Reading
Comics review: The hilarious omni-shambles of Asterix and the Chariot Race
There is something about the Roman Empire that has always cried out for satire. Perhaps it is that it was, and remains, the greatest empire in the history of humanity. Or perhaps that it was so domineering, so efficient, so all-encompassing and damn near omniscient and omnipresent, that besting Continue Reading
On 6th day of Christmas … I read the Giant Days 2017 festive comic special
Love, Actually is not everyone’s idea of the perfect holiday movie, but to me, it is perfect (look it up – it’s a “cannily”-woven in line from the film) and Giant Days, one of the best, most heartfelt comic strips to emerge in recent years, has made inspired use Continue Reading
Comics review: Bodie Troll
Bodie Troll won’t like me telling you this so shhhhh, but good lord, he’s freaking adorable. Yes, yes I know, trolls aren’t supposed to be adorable or sweet or lovely or Anne of Green Gables meets Pollyanna wonderful or in fact anything good, wholesome and kind. They are, as Continue Reading
“Heavens to Murgatroyd!” Snagglepuss is reborn as a gay Southern playwright #comics
SNAPSHOT “Snagglepuss in this story is having to live a double life as a gay playwright living in New York, and he’s closeted. But he has values and integrity as an artist, and he’s trying to stand up for people who otherwise would be shoved under the stairs in Continue Reading
Comics review: Angelic (issues 1 & 2)
It is said we stand on the shoulders of those came before us, and in so far as belief systems persist, physical reminders of their presence persist, culture, arts and political discourse are informed by their antecedents, that’s true. But what happens when all you have is fragments? A Continue Reading
Comics review: Animosity (issues 1-9) #Halloween
Any way you slice it, and to date it has been sliced more times than a munched orange, the apocalypse is going to be a harrowing, end of-the-world existential nightmare. How can it not be? You’re losing everything, and quite possibly, everyone that matters to you, with all the Continue Reading
Comics review: I Hate Fairyland
Gertrude is one sick, twisted, murderously-narcissistic individual. But then the odds are pretty good that you would be too if you’d tumbled into the sugar-drenched delights of Fairyland, where fauns and Giggle Giants and sentient moons and stars romp, at the age of 6 and spent 30 years trying Continue Reading
Comic book review: Giant Days
Giant Days is one of those comics you fall in love with almost instantly. To be honest, instantly. How can you not? The three main characters – Esther de Groot, Susan Ptolemy and Daisy Wooton, all first year students at the University of Sheffield when the series opens – are Continue Reading