Crazy Stupid Love (Review)

What a perfectly constructed, beautifully and intelligently written, and brilliantly acted movie. It follows a series of threads that examine love in all its crazy, stupid glory – Cal Weaver (Steve Carell) and his wife Emily (Julianne Moore), high school sweethearts who face major changes in their relationship after 25 Continue Reading


What would you do if your 75 year old father, just one week after the death of his wife, and your mother, announced to you, and the world that he was gay, always had been, and wanted to explore as fully and richly as he could before he too slipped Continue Reading


Here’s the poster for the new Muppets movie. I have loved the Muppets for years. From the age of 5, when Sesame Street’s Big Bird (so sad they couldn’t see his friend Snuffalapagus at first), Bert & Ernie, Grover (my absolute favourite Muppet still, with the possible exception of Animal Continue Reading