SNAPSHOTThe Crabe Phare is a colossal crustacean who lives at the bottom of the ocean. When this mammoth creature rises from the deep, he doesn’t have destruction on his mind. Instead, he wants to collect and preserve ships to add to his underwater collection. The huge creature is not the Continue Reading
Short film
The short and the short of it: The rule defying joy and sober awareness-raising of THE SOLOISTS
SNAPSHOTIn a small village ruled by ridiculous laws, three singing sisters and their dog rehearse for the Annual Autumn Festival. But an unexpected event will disrupt their plans. Dans un petit village régi par des lois ridicules, trois sœurs chanteuses et leur chien répètent pour le festival annuel d’automne. Mais Continue Reading
The short and the short of it: Being mindful of fear but open to hope in Far From the Tree
SNAPSHOTParenting is tough, especially when the stakes are so high. On an idyllic beach in the Pacific Northwest, curiosity gets the better of a young raccoon whose frustrated parent attempts to keep them both safe. Far From the Tree is written & directed by American animation filmmaker Natalie Nourigat, who works as a Continue Reading
The festive short and the short of it: The accidental Christmas delights of Timber
SNAPSHOT“When Emily is nearly knocked off her bike by a careless driver, the passing car drops a Christmas tree in its wake. In the spirit of Christmas she takes it upon herself to find the owner, which leads her down an unexpected path.” The project started in Mid-November with a Continue Reading
The short and the short of it: The touching wonder of Louis’ Shoes
SNAPSHOTLouis, 8-and-a-half years old, is autistic. He arrives at his new school and is about to introduce himself. Louis’ Shoes, originally known as Les Chaussures de Louis in French, is co-directed by a selection of talented animation filmmakers: Marion Philippe, Kayu Leung, Theo Jamin, Jean Geraud Blanc – students at Continue Reading
Five Disney classics told by one classic storyteller: The hilarious narrative-spinning of Olaf Presents
If ever there was a breakout character from Frozen, the Disney animated juggernaut that bestrode the world when it first came out in 2013, it is the very much alive garrulously exuberant to a fault snowman Olaf (voiced with a boisterous of childlike wonder by Josh Gad) whose sheer presence Continue Reading
Going back a century! Pixar gives Monsters Inc. the silent film treatment
SNAPSHOTPixar has remixed their wonderfully heartwarming CGI classic Monsters, Inc. into an amusing silent, four-minute, black-and-white animation with such vintage cinematic tricks as intertitles, exaggerated jump scares, and an old-timey piano rag playing in the background. (synopsis (c) Laughing Squid) What a delight! As if Monsters Inc. was already a Continue Reading
They go together like pasta and pesto: The heartfelt Luca redux of Ciao Alberto + Baymax! series trailer
Whatever your thinking about the merits of streaming platforms or production studios holding big, bold splashy all-day events to herald their upcoming shows and movies – crass commercialism or a tantalising glimpse into an eagerly awaited future? – the just-staged inaugural Disney+ Day 2021 was worth its existence alone for Continue Reading
Come and welcome an unexpected guest: John Lewis debuts its 2021 Christmas ad
SNAPSHOTThe advert takes you on a magical Christmas journey, all through the eyes of the lead characters, a young boy called Nathan and the space traveller, Skye. Nathan discovers and befriends Skye, who has landed in the woods beside his home. Their friendship develops as Nathan introduces Skye to many Continue Reading
The short and the short of it: Hungry seagull gets what he wants … or does he … in DEAD MEAT
SNAPSHOT“I’m [Adnan Mohamed] proud to present an Animated short that I have worked on during my time at Vancouver Film School! … For a long time I wanted to animate something that makes people giggle and feel joy in a weird way, because everybody gets silly sometimes and I feel Continue Reading