Every religion has to start somewhere, and for the Gospel According to Drew Barrymore by Pippa Wright, a system of belief for our celebrity-obsessed age if ever there was one, it’s in the early ’80s in the playroom of 7 year old Esther and younger sister Sophie when a new Continue Reading
Pooping is Logical! A most original Vulcan take on the art of potty training
SNAPSHOT The book is told from the perspective of two very patient Vulcan parents who want to teach their child that not only is pooping is a natural process, but doing it in a toilet instead of a diaper makes much more sense. Vulcans are known for their logic Continue Reading
Marvel meets Pixar in new comic Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur
It’s been said more than once that “diamonds are a girl’s best friend”. But if you’re Lunella Lafayette, a plucky tween in Marvel’s ever-expanding universe who finds some alien Kree technology and accidentally unlocks a portal to our ancient past, you’d probably prefer a big red lumbering T-Rex, who goes Continue Reading
Weekend pop art: Hair hair! Wear your favourite authors on your T-shirted chest
There’s something about finding a book we really love that’s made even more special when we discover, O happily prosaic day!, that we also love everything else that author has every written. And, of course, given that true devotion knows no bounds, will ever write. (OK that could be a Continue Reading
The Story of Kullervo: The epic J.R.R. Tolkien story that started it all finally gets published
SNAPSHOT Brought up in the homestead of the dark magician Untamo, who killed his father, kidnapped his mother, and who tries three times to kill him when still a boy, Kullervo is alone save for the love of his twin sister, Wanona, and guarded by the magical powers of Continue Reading
Book review: The Guest Cat by Takashi Hiraide
Human beings are a famously contradictory lot. While our thirst for knowledge, for the new and the boldly imaginative has defined us as a species for thousands of years, we also creatures of habit, keen embracers of certainty and reassuring routine. That oddly-oppositional coming together of restless, driving curiosity and potentially stultifying Continue Reading
The short and the short of it: Lovebites, a story of love, sweetly delicious, insect love
Awww, ain’t love edible? Wait, what? You mean “grand” don’t you? Not if you’re a female praying mantis, no. As Love Bites, a delightful 2014 short film by Agaki Bautista, Aram Davern, Michael De Caria, and Jonathon Iskov (then students at the Academy of Interactive Entertainment Sydney), with music by Peter Continue Reading
All Hayao Miyazaki, all the time: Short film celebrates the master animator’s much-loved creations
Hayao Miyazaki (Studio Ghibli) is rightly regarded as one of the master animators of the modern era. A gifted storyteller with an enthralling ability to conjure up evocative characters and the beguiling, unique worlds they inhabit, he examines and celebrates the human condition in ways few other animators, besides Pixar, Continue Reading
What Pet Should I Get? Dr Seuss has a new book worth a look!
This has surely got to rank as one of the best news stories of the year. 24 years after his death in 1991, Theodore Seuss Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, has not one but three new books ready to be published, discovered, according to The Hollywood Reporter, in Continue Reading
Attaboy, there’s a Good Dinosaur … trailer
There is no such thing as too many Pixar movies in one year. Especially after a year (2014) where there were no movies from the rightly acclaimed animation powerhouse at all. Hot, relative again to last year’s Pixar drought on the heels of the beyond superlative Inside Out, comes Continue Reading