Featurette: How did Asteroid City come to be?

(courtesy IMP Awards)

Director Wes Anderson spoke to Kodak about how he created the distinctive desert town for his film Asteroid City. He explained how they first had to find the perfect location (Chinchón, Spain) and then built era-appropriate buildings and theme-centred accoutrements from there. He then shot it all on Kodak 35mm film. (courtesy Laughing Squid)

Wes Anderson’s wonderful films are a wholly quirky world unto themselves.

And in the case of upcoming release Asteroid City, that’s quite literally the case.

In this fascinating featurette, he explains how they found the place in which they’d create the town and film the movie and how everything came together to create yet another unique part of his astoundingly inventive and charmingly imaginative universe.

Asteroid City opens on 10 August in Australia.

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