The half-hour comedy series Insecure, starring Issa Rae, Yvonne Orji, Jay Ellis and Lisa Joyce, looks at the friendship, experiences and tribulations of two black women. Created and executive produced by Issa Rae, this eight-episode series is also executive produced by Prentice Penny, Melina Matsoukas, Michael Rotenberg, Dave Beck, Jonathan Berry, and Larry Wilmore as a consultant. (official synopsis (c) HBO)
If ever there was a sign, and there are plenty, of the new creative synergy between old media TV and new media sites like YouTube, it’s Issa Rae who rode to fame on the excellent web series The Misadventures of an Awkward Black Girl.
Insanely popular, the series garnered over 20 million views and almost 200,000 subscribers to Rae’s YouTube channel, confirming that not only was this talented funny as hell but that she’s also had something that a lot of people could relate to.
And now HBO is giving her a far more high profile, expansive profile in the form of Insecure, an 8 episode series that on the strength of this 50 second trailer alone looks it will be worth the price of admission.
Every single one of us, regardless of race, sexuality, creed or age has struggled not to feel like life is maybe a whole lot more complex and demanding than we gave it credit for, and that far from being as confident as we present ourselves, we are actually, you know, pretty Insecure.
Thank goodness Issa Rae has finally come and called out the trembling elephant in the room for what it is, and in such a funny and engaging way.
Now we can all breathe a sigh of relief and , oh yeah, LAUGH … A LOT.
Insecure premieres on HBO this northern autumn.