I am not a fan of reality TV shows.
Apart from a couple of outliers such Survivor and Amazing Race, I generally prefer my drama scripted, well-acted and as unmelodramatic as possible.
Which it won’t surprise you to learn rules out watching the mega franchise The Real Housewives, which has spawned so many variants that it’s hard to think of a city without its ow band of over-documented upper middle class women.
Even so, there was no way on earth that I could pass up the chance to see Sesame Street‘s delightful parody of The Real Housewives featuring Oscar, Grunggetta, the viva-esque GarbageDump (complete with obligatory toy dog) and sweet, innocent Grover (my favourite Sesame Street muppet) who as you can imagine doesn’t fit with these hilariously grumpy, rich malcontents.
As with any parody from the best TV educators on the planet, there are some great lessons to learn while you are dismissing the mouldy offerings at the FUR Lounge or taking part in the Annual Grouch Talent Show.
It’s funny, sweet, and as with all Sesame Street parodies, enormously clever and entertaining.
So have dahling and enjoy slumming it with the very that grouchiness has to offer.
(source: Mashable)