They’re back!
And as blissfully unaware, emotionally screwed up and hilarious as ever.
Yes, Hannah (Lena Dunham, who is also the creator and executive producer of the show), Marnie (Allison Williams), Jessa (Jemima Kirke) and Shoshanna Shapiro (Zosia Mamet) are back for a third serving of twenty-something angst and I couldn’t be happier.
Along with Hannah’s emotionally-unpredictable lover Adam (Adam Sackler) and coffee shop owner Ray (Alex Karpovsky) who dispenses brutal bon mots of wisdom without fear or favour, it looks like business as usual in the Girls world if the trailer for the season is any guide (and you would want to hope it is right?)
Peppered with classic Girls dialogue like “You know what Adam it’s really liberating to say no to shit you hate” (Hannah to Adam on the occasion of an unwelcome hike in the woods), and “Can you believe my friend died because she didn’t want to hang out with me?” (Jessa) to which Shoshanna replies “I totally get that” (Shoshanna), and “Hannah, why don’t you place just one crumb of basic human compassion on this fat-free muffin of sociopathic attachment … see how it tastes?” (Ray), it sounds as biting, funny and clever as it’s always been.
It makes judicious use of Grouplove’s infectious hit “Ways To Go” which pretty much sums up the varied life situations of this motley but sometimes close group of friends who, to our viewing enjoyment are nowhere near having life figured out.
Long may they stay in the emotional wilderness.
Girls returns for more angst and over-philosophising on January 12 at 10/9C on HBO with a double episode.
For some extra laughs, check out the Girls season 3 poll on tv.com which is packed full of, in their words, “ludicrous yet plausible” scenarios for the show’s upcoming third season.
UPDATE (2/12): The season 3 poster has just been revealed and it reveals that the girls in Girls may not have changed all that much. Hurrah!