How could you miss the zombie apocalypse AND Rick and Morty? Shaun of the Dead manages to hilariously do both

Shaun, a man oblivious to zombies, Rick and Morty ... and his own life (image via YouTube (c) Critters)
Shaun, a man oblivious to zombies, Rick and Morty … and his own life (image via YouTube (c) Critters)


You’d think that zombies wandering the streets, all looking to devour your flesh in the most primal ways possible, would be a hard thing to miss.

But Shaun (Simon Pegg), the eponymous protagonist of 2004’s horror comedy Shaun of the Dead, manages it, not just once but repeatedly.

It forms the centrepiece of this extremely funny film, and makes the perfect template onto which you can drop any kind of terrible threat, confident in the knowledge that Shaun, preoccupied with girlfriend and parental issues, won’t notice a damn thing.

Well, not for quite a while at least.

So it is that YouTube channel Critters substituted Rick and Morty and their gloriously, comically panoply of creatures into the Shaun of the Dead to impressive effect.

Again, much like the zombies, the characters from Dan Harmon’s anarchically clever animated TV series are almost impossible to miss – in fact one of the joys of the two seasons aired thus far has been spotting the sheer number of crazy, colourful, multi-faceted creatures shoved into every nanometre of frame – but Shaun, god bless him, does it, giving a whole new life to a film all about death and life and death … and drunk zombies.



And here’s the original footage for comparison …


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