A deftly executed mashup is a viral thing of great joy and so it is with the latest superlative effort from What’s the Mashup? which blends dance footage from 75 television shows ranging from Friends to Sponge Bob Square Pants, Mr. Bean to Happy Days and The Simpsons to Glee with the gloriously danceable sounds of Justin Timberlake’s “Can’t Stop the Feeling” from the Trolls soundtrack.
It’s energetically, wonderfully catchy and will not only have you up dancing – go on your feet are tapping like mad! You know you want to, you really, really want to – but will make you wish you jump through the fourth wall and groove along with The Fonz, Ross Geller and yes, even Doctor Who.
What? You didn’t realise they dance on Gallifrey? Of course they do?
The marvellous thing about the mashup, which merits repeated watches over and over, is that it so seamlessly bring dance scenes from such disparate TV shows together in such a joyous fashion.
You will marvel, you will sing along and you will dance! Oh yes, YOU WILL DANCE.
(source: Laughing Squid)