What wouldn’t two LEGO Minifgure friends do for each other?
This may not be a thought that has crossed your mind at any point – and if not, why not, it’s very cool thing to ponder – but nukazooka aka Andrew McMurry has most definitely let his imaginatively-fecund mind go there, and the results are, well, really quiet marvellous.
Leave aside the fact that the end to that sentence made me sound like a dapper young English lord feeling rather pleased with himself about something, LEGO: The Great Escape is a fantastic amount of fun that goes to the heart of what happens when two good friends discover there’s something else they can do beside playing video games.
There’s the same delicious sense of manically-silly humour that we have to come to expect from LEGO films of any stripe, and some plastic life-threatening action in the form of a great big furry monster.
Does it end well? Oh it ends very well indeed but not before some thrills and spills, a little beheading and a trip to somewhere wholly unexpected.
Watch, laugh and behold the power of LEGO friendship at work.