M*A*S*H ended its TV run 37 years ago but it has something to say about COVID-19, trust us

(image via IMDb)

“I have sincerely believed for a long time that whatever issue life puts in front of us MAS*H had a solution. I had some pent up creative energy today, so I did this while you were all cleaning your closets and such.” (Frank Vaccarriello via Laughing Squid)

M*A*S*H was, and is, of course, a brilliantly written, prescient show that had a knack of speaking to our modern world even though it was set a good few decades before it.

But not even this classic program, which is still very much with us thanks to re-runs, could have predicted what a pandemic might look like in our modern digital age where social distancing and isolation are the new lingua franca.

It did, however know what people were like, and whether it’s the early 1950s during the Korean War or 20 years into the 21st century, the show has a great deal of relevancy for our current situation, something Frank Vaccarriello, who has out together a hilarious clips compilation that, Laughing Squid notes, “addresses each recommended step of staying safe from Coronavirus infection.”

Granted, many of us know these steps to minimise exposure to the virus and keep ourselves and others safe off by heart but a little reminder doesn’t hurt, especially when it’s as entertaining as this.

Posted In TV

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