Missed it by that much: 29 TV and film spin-offs that almost happened

Jess played by Milo Ventimiglia almost had his own spin-off, along with many other characters from successful TV shows and films (image via YouTube (c) Mental Floss)
Jess played by Milo Ventimiglia almost had his own spin-off, along with many other characters from successful TV shows and films (image via YouTube (c) Mental Floss)


So near … and yet so very far.

As Mike Rugnetta from Mental Floss’s List View details, that’s been the fate of many a spin-off proposed for popular TV shows and movies.

You’d think that someone proposing a spin-off from say Friends, Cheers or The Wire would be greeted with open arms, wads of cash and a ten year deal to go for creative broke.

But even the most certain of sure things can come a-cropper and as you’ll find out, often for the most prosaic and extraordinary of reasons.

So sit back and contemplate what might have been and if your viewing schedule is as gummed up as mine, a silent sigh of relief that there are a few less shows to tempt you from sleep, three square meals and the rest of your life.

(source: Laughing Squid)


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