Impressive though CGI often is, it’s a common complaint in many blockbusters that the special effects can often overshadow the storyline (assuming if there is a meaningful one, of course) with more attention to the all the visual accessories than to the characters or the plot.
While that’s certainly not the case with 1993’s Jurassic Park, the Michael Crichton-scripted, Steven Spielberg-directed story of dinosaurs on the run in the modern world thanks to the questionable use of DNA-reviving technology, it is always interesting no matter the film, to see what would happen if the CGI was removed.
Would the movie still be a going concern on narrative and characters alone?
That’s the question that seems to be on the mind of YouTube user Michael T. Mann who decided to replace the astonishingly lifelike prehistoric creatures of Jurassic Park with a far more rudimentary version.
And if you subtract from a film, can you not also add?
Why yes you can which is how Arnold Schwarzenegger makes an appearance as a machine gun-toting helicopter pilot with an agenda of his own crazy making, and a T Rex, itching for the dance floor, boogies on down with a random robot, all of which fall under the warning at the start of the re-imagined film “There might be a few other minor differences too”.
It all makes for a fun, and yes even thought-provoking take on the classic movie which frankly stands up rather well no matter how you slice it.