In Olaf Presents, [a series of new animated shorts from Walt Disney Animation Studios], Olaf steps into the spotlight and goes from snowman to showman as he takes on the roles of producer, actor, costumer, and set builder for his unique “retelling” of five favorite Disney animated tales. The charismatic and versatile snowman demonstrates his theatrical flair, taking on such iconic roles as a mermaid, a genie, a lion king (and most of the parts in between), as he entertains Arendelle with his delightful abbreviated versions of these beloved tales. Josh Gad returns to voice the character, with veteran Disney animator Hyrum Osmond directing and Jennifer Newfield producing.” (synopsis courtesy Bleeding Cool)
Ever since I took my then five-year-old niece to see Frozen way back when, I have been in love with the gloriously funny silliness of Olaf, voiced by the incomparably gifted Josh Gad.
He is responsible for, as Bleeding Cool‘s Jeremy Conrad perfectly observes, “one of the most perfect pairings of voice actor and animated character of all time; it just works so well”, and gifts Olaf with a loveable garrulousness and love for learning and life that makes the world a better place just for watching him.
So the fact that he’s back for another series of shorts, this time retelling classic and new Disney animated features in his inimical style is a joyful thing to be welcomed wholeheartedly, especially after months and months of lockdown have worn us all down.
We need silliness and giddy silliness and Olaf is going to supply that in heart-lifting abundance. Bring it on!
Olaf Presents premieres on November 12 during Disney+ Day.