Let’s hear it for tenuous links to Christmas!
Yes I am basing the inclusion of the following highly imaginative recreations of TV shows and movies in LEGO on the fact that it is (a) Christmas and (b) it was at this very festive time that I was often given LEGO sets as a child and (c) I love television and movies (not a newsflash exactly; I mean look at the blog I am writing).
All very reasonable I would think and besides, they are so much fun!
And who doesn’t want to feel like a kid again at Christmas?
I think I have made my case.
So without further ado, I give you pop culture LEGO in all its glory …

First up are 6 children’s TV shows represented, not by the newfangled LEGO figurines that have become icons all of their own, but by the basic single block pieces of old that I used to make my figures from.
This very imaginative use of these blocks is from an ad campaign from innovative German ad agency Jung von Matt who were profiled in March this year on one of the coolest sites on the ‘net, Laughing Squid.
They are meant to be readily identifiable but rather give you all the answers here, have some fun guessing and check if you’re right down at the bottom of the post.


I could quite happily live in a cinema and watch movies all day long.
And, if I had the time, play with LEGO too.
So imagine my delight – go on imagine it! I’ll give you a few minutes – when I found the post 23 Famous Movie Scenes Recreated With Legos on a site called The Roosevelts.
They are painstakingly wonderful recreations of iconic movie scenes, all in LEGO, done by Alex Eylar who calls his brilliant creations “the Fruits of A Wasted Childhood”.
Time well wasted I would say.

* TV ANSWERS: Ernie and Bert (Sesame Street), South Park, The Simpsons, The Smurfs, Donald Duck and Huey, Dewey and Louie, and The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
NOW … go make something of your own! I sure as hell as want to.