Vivian the Dog Moves to Brooklyn is a book about a big dog moving from Albuquerque, New Mexico to Brooklyn, New York. It’s 32 pages long and will be full of beautiful photo-illustrations created by Mitch and starring Vivian, with some pretty fantastic letterings and drawings by the talented, Valerie Navarro.In the book, Vivian is a giant dog—over 6 feet tall! She loves the wide open spaces and delicious foods of New Mexico, but most of all, she loves playing with her best friend, “the human.” When Vivian learns she and the human are moving to New York City, aka the “Big City,” she gets very excited. She believes everything will be as big as she is in the “Big City,” and she can’t wait to move!
As you might guess, she’s pretty disappointed upon arriving in New York City and discovering that she is still the only giant wiener dog around. Things get worse, as she quickly learns their neighborhood in Brooklyn can be a pretty cramped place, especially for a big dog like her. She barely fits in their new living room! She decides to leave the human behind and return to Albuquerque on her own. Does she make it back, or does she get lost along the way? You’ll have to get the book to find out! (official synopsis via Kickstarter)
Vivian as you can imagine is quite a unique, amazing dog.
And in the hands of author/photo-illustrator Mitch Boyer, who has launched a Kickstarter campaign to get Vivian the Dog Moves to Brooklyn published, she’s set to go on the most incredible adventure all the way across the country and back again.
Will she make it back home? Or will Brooklyn turn out to be where she really belongs with her favourite human in the world?
To find that out you have to back Boyer’s Kickstarter campaign which comes with all the goodies we’ve come to expect from crowdfunding efforts.
It’s a passion project for Boyer who is committed to bring his dog Vivian’s adventures – FYI and yeah you probably guessed this but Vivian is in fact not a giant Dachshund – in all her lovable, literally larger-than-life.
You can back this delightful Kickstarter campaign here.