This was the year that the gulf between what happens in the studio, and what happens under the bright lights, wind machines and pyrotechnic curtains of the main Eurovision stage, grew to abyss-like proportions (an abyss albeit decked out in shiny LED screens and surrounding by thousands of glowing Continue Reading
It’s official! Australia loves Eurovision
It’s hard to say if it is due to Australia’s welcome embrace of all the nationalities that make up the countries competing in The Eurovision Song Contest or simply our love of the quirky or the unusual, but something about this event has captured Australia’s attention, and quite possibly Continue Reading
Sneak peek: “Riddick” in all his darkness-dwelling glory (new poster + trailer)
MOVIE SYNOPSIS The infamous Riddick has been left for dead on a sun-scorched planet that appears to be lifeless. Soon, however, he finds himself fighting for survival against alien predators more lethal than any human he’s encountered. The only way off is for Riddick to activate an emergency beacon Continue Reading
The undead keep giving: More promo videos for “World War Z”
This series of videos which have been released to promote the upcoming zombie apocalypse movie World War Z, and which I came across courtesy of the awesome folks at, are chilling indeed. The first one is a fairly standard Public Service Announcement which encourages the citizens of the Continue Reading
Road to Eurovision: semi final 2 predictions
Once more to the semi-final crystal ball gazing my friends, once more! (I am sure, totally sure, that Shakespeare will not mind me paraphrasing one of his more famous quotes in the service of Eurovision.) Semi-final 2 looms and with it the prospect of 17 more countries doing everything in Continue Reading
The glorious new trailer for “Arrested Development”
Can we ever have too much of the Bluths? Michael Bluth (Jason Batemen) may answer with a hearty “YES!” since he appears to have moved to Phoenix to escape his family, as he promised to do right throughout the show’s original three season run. Let’s hope he figures out Continue Reading
Road to Eurovision: week 6 – Norway, Albania, Georgia, Switzerland, Romania
WHAT IS THE EUROVISION SONG CONTEST? Started way back in 1956 as a way to draw a fractured Europe back together with the healing power of music, the Eurovision Song Contest, or Concours Eurovision de la Chanson – the contest is telecast in both English and French – is open Continue Reading
What happens to the winners when the Eurovision glory fades?
It doesn’t matter what kind of competition it is. When you are standing high atop the winner’s dais, with those you have vanquished standing nearby or possibly seated right in front of you, it is hard not to come over all Leonard di Caprio in Titanic and feel like Continue Reading
It’s the end of the show as I know it: My long overdue thoughts on the end of “Fringe”
The end of Fringe in January this year with the almost perfectly-executed double episodes “Liberty” and “Enemy of the State” was, as it is for any series I have grown to love, a gut-wrenchingly sad moment for me. Leavened somewhat by the almost flawless way that the show’s producers Continue Reading
Road to Eurovision: semi finals 1 predictions
It’s only hours, mere hours my friends, till the first semi-final takes places in Malmö, Sweden, and 16 countries battle it out in song – of course this being The Eurovision Song Contest, all the battling will be done in the most loving, life-affirming way possible with an angst-ridden Continue Reading