It’s only hours, mere hours my friends, till the first semi-final takes places in Malmö, Sweden, and 16 countries battle it out in song – of course this being The Eurovision Song Contest, all the battling will be done in the most loving, life-affirming way possible with an angst-ridden Continue Reading
Judging a book by its cover #2: “The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake”
The object of this new series, which I am starting in conjunction with my wonderful friend, Elle, who blogs at (well-written, entertaining and thoughtful articles on all things writing and blogging-oriented) is to grab a long-neglected unread book off our shelves, speculate on what we think the book’s about based Continue Reading
Road to Eurovision: Big 6 reviewed – UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy and Sweden
WHAT IS THE EUROVISION SONG CONTEST? Started way back in 1956 as a way to draw a fractured Europe back together with the healing power of music, the Eurovision Song Contest, or Concours Eurovision de la Chanson – the contest is telecast in both English and French – is Continue Reading
Movie review: “Russendisko” (German Festival of Films, Sydney)
Ah, the promise of the new frontier. It has drawn people like moth to a flame throughout the history of humanity, with the downtrodden and beleaguered, the lost and the merely curious, pulling up sticks and heading for the bright lights of whatever promised land happened to be in Continue Reading
Can’t wait to see: “Girl Most Likely”
MOVIE SYNOPSIS Kristen Wiig stars as Imogene, once a promising young New York playwright whose promise has fizzled, thanks to a crisis of confidence. Heavily in denial about being dumped by her society boyfriend, Imogene uses her skill for drama to stage an elaborate fake suicide as an appeal Continue Reading
Eurovision news roundup: what’s happening in Malmo
We’re so close to this year’s Eurovision Song Contest – the first semi-final takes place on Tuesday 14 May – that you can almost taste the herrings, smell the brännvin, and your chances of being blinded by glittery costumes in close proximity, especially Latvia’s luminously sparkly outfits, grows ever Continue Reading
I need to discuss a movie of great “Gravity” with you
Gravity is an upcoming sci fi drama starring two of my favourite actors working today, Sandra Bullock and George Clooney, and co-written (with his son Jonás), produced, directed and co-edited by Alfonso Cuarón (when does the man sleep I wonder?). Delayed from its original release date of November 21, 2012, it Continue Reading
All-singing, all-dancing, lip-reading “The Walking Dead”
Who said zombies can’t dance? Or sing? Or hell, learn a simple line of dialogue? Oh right, just about everyone. Well fear not because by the magic of one fan’s brilliance, they have learnt to sing, dance and trade witty oneliners with the survivors who spent their days trying Continue Reading
Waiting for the … POP! 5 TV shows I love that are on the bubble
It’s that time of year again folks! The end of the ratings year with a million-and-one, or perhaps it just feels like that, shows throwing up their season finales for our viewing pleasure like there is no tomorrow. Sadly for many shows that’s exactly what it will be like. While Continue Reading
Road to Eurovision: week 5 – Bulgaria, Iceland, Greece, Israel, Armenia, Hungary
WHAT IS THE EUROVISION SONG CONTEST? Started way back in 1956 as a way to draw a fractured Europe back together with the healing power of music, the Eurovision Song Contest, or Concours Eurovision de la Chanson – the contest is telecast in both English and French – is open to Continue Reading