The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon was published in 2003, and since then has sold more than two million copies making it the third best-selling book of the last decade in Britain, sandwiched, somewhat uncomfortably you would think, between four Dan Brown novels. Continue Reading
Theatre review: “Entertaining Mr Sloane” (New Theatre)
Entertaining Mr Sloane by the oft-acknowledged master of black comedies, Joe Orton, is a journey to the dark side of humanity. Albeit one disguised with such witty, euphemism-laden banter that you’re apt to forget you are witnessing people, desperate for the best in life, behaving at their very worst. And Continue Reading
EMMY on down: nominations for the 64th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards are in!
… and Jimmy Kimmel wore pyjamas to announce them. As you do. His unusual attire, which fits perfectly with the late night talk-show host’s larrikin spirit, was a joking reference to the fact that he was seconded at the last minute to assist actress Kerry Washington with hosting duties Continue Reading
Opera review: “Die Tote Stadt” (performed by Opera Australia)
Die Tote Stadt, by feted composer Erich Wolfgang Korngold, which fell into obscurity for much of the 20th century after it was banned during the Nazi regime to Korngold’s Jewish ancestry, is one of those operas that is immediately accessible and attractive to anyone without a natural predilection for Continue Reading
“Once Upon a Time” season 2 (Comic-Con)
With the curse broken and the fairytale world and the “real” world crashing headlong into each other, much await our once amnesiac characters in this season of the show. While they may have recovered the full extent of their original identities, they are no longer those people entirely with Continue Reading
“Grimm” news from Comic-Con
Yes I know you must appreciate the witty double play on Grimm which naturally has not been used by anyone else ever. Now my startlingly original use of this show’s title out of the way – you can email and tweet your acknowledgement of my comic brilliance at some other Continue Reading
“Fringe” season 5
Among the many, many gems to emerge from last week’s pop culture fiesta, Comic-Con 2012, was this trailer for the fifth and final season of Fringe. It’s a punch summary of the drama to come, and has me salivating for the return of the only team that can save Continue Reading
“Husbands”: series 2 Comic-Con news
I discovered Husbands quite by chance one day when I saw a post by a pop-culture obsessed friend of mine on Facebook. Respecting her judgement immensely, and intrigued by the idea of a series focusing on an accidentally married gay couple – as a gay man , it is Continue Reading
“Oz: The Great and Powerful”
The Oz books by L. Frank Baum are a magical series that transport you to a land filled with wonder and creatures strange from our dreams. They are populated not just by the Wizard, the cowardly lion, the tin man, the scarecrow and Dorothy but by a plethora of Continue Reading
“Ab Fab” returns for the Olympics
It is the same every four years. The Olympics, which I don’t mind watching here and there, especially if Australia is doing well, or male swimmers or male gymnasts are competing (I am only human after all), come to town (virtually or if you’re in London this year, literally) Continue Reading