All new “Firefly”!

Now before you get too excited, there will not be, alas and alack, new episodes of one of the best sci-fi shows ever produced coming our way any time soon, if ever. (It was such a gift to have the tale concluded in the movie, Serenity, named apart the ship Continue Reading

Posted In TV

“Walking Dead” season 3

I am not sure when it happened exactly, since zombies still scared the proverbial out of me, but thanks to my housemate, who is a devoted viewer of The Walking Dead, I have begun to appreciate what a cleverly constructed drama it is. Like many genre shows such as Star Continue Reading

Posted In TV

Mixtape: 1970s

If you have read anything on this blog before, it will have become mighty obvious that I am not exactly fresh out of high school. Not that I am eyeing up a glittery red Zimmer frame to buy with all the fervency of teenage girls spotting Justin Bieber, but I Continue Reading