I Love the Emmys

I am a TV junkie. I could say I have tried 12 step programs, detox units, and literary clubs to wean me off my habit but to no avail, and frankly I am not even slightly disappointed. Mainly because, these days, and it is increasingly so, TV is where all Continue Reading

Posted In TV


What would you do if your 75 year old father, just one week after the death of his wife, and your mother, announced to you, and the world that he was gay, always had been, and wanted to explore as fully and richly as he could before he too slipped Continue Reading

Thank You Eureka

Sad news today from the set of Eureka where it’s the beginning of the end of the show. After syfy’s shock cancellation of the show – the word had been that syfy would renew the show for a limited number of shows season 6 but instead they initially cancelled it Continue Reading

Posted In TV

Crackle Me a TV Show! GAY TOWN

I have been reading for years about web-based TV shows that are typically 5-10 minutes in length per episode, usually appeal to a very narrow niche fan base (which they can do since ratings aren’t a concern) and are usually creatively fast and loose, pushing boundaries in terms of content Continue Reading

Posted In TV