Years after watching the cinema and musicindustries fall headlong in love with Christmas, declaring their devotion witheach festive movie and album released, the publishing industry has finallyfollowed suit. It is pursuing a full-blown love affair with the season.Bookstores are awash with Christmas themed-books which, to the delight of theseason’s newest Continue Reading
On the seventh day of Christmas… I finally watched Eureka’s 2010 Christmas episode – "O Little Town"
Eureka is quirky to its core, which is why I love it, and this episode kept the quirk factor as high as it could go, while still managing to be funny and touching in equal measure. It’s a little unclear just when the events in “O Little Town” take place. Continue Reading
If the cast of Community were Batman villains…
(artwork by the very talented Ben Deguzman (@abouthebenjamin) from Southern California.)
On the sixth day of Christmas… I listened to Matt Wertz’s album Snow Globe (review)
I want to live in a snow globe! Well not really – you’d be forever brushing shredded polystyrene off your clothes for one thing – but Matt Wertz’s makes his magical tale of living in a hermetically sealed Christmas wonderland sound so beguiling, I am close to considering it. Just Continue Reading
On the fifth day of Christmas… I watched Abed’s Uncontrollable Christmas (2010)
Christmas is, on the surface at least, the shiniest and happiest of festivals – happy families exchanging presents, lavish feasts, joy and goodwill, everyone happy ever after lit by the glow of a 1000 warmed hearts. But as Abed, who is my favourite character in this creatively rich series, discovers Continue Reading
On the fourth day of Christmas, I re-visit Annie Lennox’s Christmas Cornucopia Review)
This is my second album with this extraordinary album that beguiled from the first beautiful notes last year. So I thought it only fair that I review it this year and let you know why it is such an exceptional gift to the canon of Christmas music… This is Continue Reading
On the third day of Christmas, I festively butchered innumerable TV catchphrases
Keeping very much with the Christmas spirit, I decided to grab some well known TV catchphrases and give them a festive makeover. Alas the hashtag #tvcatchphrasesmadexmasy didn’t trend at all on Twitter where they were first transmitted, so clearly the idea only amused me. Hopefully someone else will find a Continue Reading
On the second day of Christmas, my TV gave to me…
It is no secret that I love Christmas (unless you have been living under a rock in a small village on the windswept edges of Mongolia in which case you are (a) very odd, and yet quirky, and (b) forgiven for missing that) and naturally being a pop culture junkie, Continue Reading
M83 – Hurry Up We’re Dreaming (review)
I love new music. It’s not out of some desperate desire to remain hip and relevant in my 40s because let’s face it that never works as a deliberate strategy and you end up only as an object of pity by pitiless Gen Ys. No, I love new music because Continue Reading
COMICS: Calvin and Hobbes the Next Generation
Webcomic Pants Are Overrated has given Calvin and Hobbes a re-birth of sorts by fast forwarding 26 years, and the results are nothing short of magical. I feel like I have met up again with an old, dear and greatly missed friend, and I am supremely happy. (Their website is Continue Reading