I am standing on a crowded train platform in inner west Sydney, sweat slowly trickling down my back, and yet thanks to this perfect Christmas album, I feel like I am walking the snow covered streets of Christmasville (I am sure there is such a place) with chestnuts roasting nearby Continue Reading
Drive (review)
This movie, starring Ryan Gosling as Driver (you never really learn his name), who drives stunt cars by day, and getaway cars by night, was not at all what I expected.I was aware going in that it is not a Fast & Furious clone, occupying a place in the movie Continue Reading
Mylo Xyloto – Coldplay (review)
I need to make it clear from the start that I :(a) Love and adore this band more than I can say. When I first saw the clip for Yellow years ago (in 2000, to be exact) on a 1/2 hour CNN world music round up show when Coldplay had just Continue Reading
Midnight in Paris (review)
Woody Allen is back in fine form. All the whimsy, imagination, and verbal cleverness we have come to expect from this gifted movie maker are all on show here, in a movie that looks as beautiful as it sounds. It begins with a gloriously sublime montage of images of Paris, Continue Reading
Metropolis – Friday 28 October 2011 @ Sydney Opera House
Metropolis is the ultimate detective story. Made in 1927 by the much lauded Fritz Lang, and only shown in its full length form for three months before being withdrawn in favour of a much shortened version, this movie, seen as the antecedent, both visually and for its character archetypes, for Continue Reading
Imogen Heap – Riding the Future Sonic Wave
These four songs, all sublimely gorgeous and suffused with the intricate, ethereal melodies, and vocalisations that Imogen does better than anyone I listen to, are part of a bold new attempt by this artist, and others, to re-invent the music creation and distribution model in the wake of the seismic Continue Reading
Twirligig – Jonti
Listening to Jonti’s album on the way home on the train, and it’s as wonderfully quirky, rich and fun as I’d been led to believe. It honestly does feel like you’ve wondered into a warm happy place where the music charms, the vocals are soft and dreamy, and the samples Continue Reading
Lost in the iPod Abyss
One of the perks of waking up at 3.45 a.m. and being unable to get back to sleep – one of the few perks I must stress since I like sleeping a LOT – is turning on Rage on the ABC (Australia) and watching a random clip play across your Continue Reading
Husbands (web series)
Zing! Pow! How can something so hilarously funny, with one liners I am going to have to memorise if my life is to be worth anything, be simultaneously so insightful, articulate and warm-hearted? I have no idea, but the team responsible for this gem, including the very talented Jane Espenson Continue Reading
Who will make it in the TV Lifeboat?
I think we can all agree (and by ‘we’ I mean every member of the human race, so encompassing is my forthcoming thesis) that someone, somewhere – insert your choice of deity/third world dictator/secret world society bent on domination and control being pursued by Angelina Jolie’s Tomb Raider character Continue Reading