What a perfectly constructed, beautifully and intelligently written, and brilliantly acted movie. It follows a series of threads that examine love in all its crazy, stupid glory – Cal Weaver (Steve Carell) and his wife Emily (Julianne Moore), high school sweethearts who face major changes in their relationship after 25 Continue Reading
Charlie’s Angels (Australian Premiere episode)
I really wanted to like this show but I was also aware going into it that it could turn out to be cheesier than a convention of dairy farmers, because let’s face it, we’re not dealing with a HBO series’ premise here, and its forebear, while a warm and fuzzy standout Continue Reading
Terra Nova (Australian premiere)
This show, partly from the hands of Steven Spielberg, but also from the very capable creative minds of Brannon Brag and Rene Echevarria (late of the re-incarnated and awesomely good, Battlestar Galactica), came with hype. Great generous lashings of commercial TV hype, which immediately made me fearful that I was Continue Reading
All Sort of Fun New Music
I adore a blog call Popservations (http://www.popservations.com/) , which showcases all sorts of cutting edge, cool music, and being the music junkie that I am, I naturally spend an inordinate amount of time there sampling the music, dreaming of iTunes downloading (it does make for odd heavily melodic dreams that Continue Reading
A Different Kind of Fix – Bombay Bicycle Club
This is one of the best albums I have listened to in a while. Not necessarily because it’s one of the best albums ever recorded and has awed me speechless (a feat of epic proportions that seldom few attempt) with its originality, creativity and depth. Although it is far more Continue Reading
Music Week – Coldplay exclusive: band talk to MW about new album
A brilliant rundown of Coldplay’s upcoming new album, which is being heralded as their best body of work since my favourite Coldplay CD, A Rush of Blood to the Head. To say I am excited would be understating it – I will be poised at the doors of my favourite Continue Reading
The Big Funny Sitcom Round Up!
The Big C
The Big C is one of the standouts in that relatively new crop of HBO-quality shows – even when the shows aren’t from that stable of quality, they are invariably tagged as such – which also includes Hung, Breaking Bad, United States of Tara, and the much longer running Weeds, Continue Reading
I Love the Emmys
I am a TV junkie. I could say I have tried 12 step programs, detox units, and literary clubs to wean me off my habit but to no avail, and frankly I am not even slightly disappointed. Mainly because, these days, and it is increasingly so, TV is where all Continue Reading
What would you do if your 75 year old father, just one week after the death of his wife, and your mother, announced to you, and the world that he was gay, always had been, and wanted to explore as fully and richly as he could before he too slipped Continue Reading