So the big question as we are await the start of The Walking Dead season 7 in three months time is … Who shot JR?
Wait, wait, no … wrong decade and wrong show … BUT essentially the same dynamic – yes I have found a way to link Dallas and The Walking Dead; you can thank me later – applies as we wait breathlessly for the revelation of who was killed by Negan’s barbed wire-laced bat Lucille?
No one from The Walking dead cast or crew at Comic-Con was giving away too much at a recent panel – although we did get a glimpse of Ezekiel, Shiva and The Kingdom who help Alexandria stand up to Negan – and neither it appears are these just-released character posters that show 10 key characters frozen in their moment of nocturnal mortal peril as Negan ominously announced “I’m going to beat the holy hell out of one of you”.
But lordy aren’t they evocative and every bit as intense as one of the show’s executive producers Greg Nicotero promises the coming season is going to be.
The Walking Dead season 7 premieres 23 October at 9pm on AMC. (As per usual the first eight episodes screen October-December while the second eight screen February-April 2017.)

And here good people of the apocalypse is the Comic-Con approved The Walking Dead season 7 trailer …
Oh and as an extra bit of fun, here’s the new Fear the Walking Dead Comic-Con trailer …