“People of Earth, prepare to be desserted! Mwahahaha!”
You may have noticed that a small, low budget indie film by the name of Avengers: Age of Ultron is currently in cinemas, the latest in Marvel’s long line of super successful superhero movies to triumph at the box office.
Even if this minor teensy-weensy film has passed you buy, rest assured that the eagle-eyed creative geniuses at the Childrens’ Television Workshop, the inspired minds behind Sesame Street have well and truly noticed it and as is their wonderful way, come up with a parody to honour its presence in the cinemas of the world (where it is, of course, doing very nicely, thank you very much.)
And it is, as are all the parodies that Sesame Street unleashes upon a zeitgeist-embracing public, full of delightfully groan-inducing puns, fantastic names for the health-loving superheroes defending us from an exclusive diet of cookies and cream – Dr. Brownie (Cookie Monster as The Hulk), Onion Man, Captain Americauliflower, Black Bean Widow, Mighty Corn and Zuchin-eye – and naturally an evil calorie-rich villain named Bon Bon who unleashes a Star Trek-shaped giant cookie upon the good broccoli, carrot and asparagus-chomping people of Earth.
As you would expect from a Sesame Street parody, there’s also a message running through the piece; in this case that Cookie Monster, who is easily distracted by cookies, must focus if he is to do his part as a member of the Aveggies.
After all if he doesn’t, fine cauliflower-lovers everywhere could find themselves variously in a jam and creamed and no one wants that!
(OK I do occasionally but don’t tell the Aveggies till I’ve finished my caramel tart.)
source: zap2it