The film centers on Jurassic World founder Simon Masrani, who must enlist the help of his employee Claire, after he accidentally destroys one of the main attractions. The duo also calls upon Dr. Wu, who helped them create the Indominus rex. But when the dino starts acting out, only dino trainer Owen Grady can help save the day. (synopsis (c) EW)
As a young boy, I was a massive fan of LEGO, playing with the colourful Danish bricks every chance I got, and dinosaurs, part of my fascination with history generally, an area of interest that’s never really left me in the intervening years.
Thus the existence of a direct-to-DVD film LEGO Jurassic World: The Indominus Escape which combines some prehistoric mayhem with my favourite colourful building blocks ever sent me into a near paroxysms of delight, such that I had to stop everything, sit down and watch the whole thing. (The fact that I got to use the word “paroxysm” in a blog post simply adds icing to my childlike joy cake.)
It was released in a 2 DVD pack along with the live action Jurassic World plus a slew of extras on 16 October 2016 which means you are officially way overdue in adding this to your collection.
Go on, run don’t walk … after all Indominus Rex could be on your tail.