(courtesy IMP Awards) SNAPSHOTThe story revolves around the annual Christmas pageant in a small town, which is turned upside down by the arrival of the Herdman siblings. Known as “the worst kids in the history of the world,” the Herdmans bring unexpected mayhem to the rehearsals and the performance itself. Continue Reading
Christmas 2024
Christmas preview: Hilariously merry and snarkily bright trailer lands for kidnapped Santa caper film Red One
(courtesy IMP Awards) SNAPSHOTAfter Santa Claus (starring J.K. Simmons as the Big Man) – Code Name: RED ONE – is kidnapped, the North Pole’s Head of Security (Dwayne Johnson) must team up with the world’s most infamous bounty hunter (Chris Evans) in a globe-trotting, action-packed mission to save Christmas. Red Continue Reading