The fourth installment in the beloved Toy Story franchise achieves a level of detail and realism unseen in any Disney/Pixar project yet. See how it all came to life at the legendary Pixar studios, step by step: beginning with the story and artwork stage, onto 3D computer modeling, shading and surfacing, layout, voice acting, character animation, simulation, lighting, effects, scoring, sound mixing, and the final render. (synopsis (c) Insider via Laughing Squid)
The Toy Story films are a joy in any language.
And while the more cynical among us worried that a fourth instalment might be a film too far, the true believers such as yours truly were amply rewarded by a singularly beautiful and funny, emotionally resonant film in Toy Story 4 that has just gone past $1 billion on worldwide box office.
Sitting in a cinema, immersed in the most magical universe of storytelling that Pixar has yet created, and that’s a high accolade given the rich assortment of films in their collection, it is obvious that Toy Story 4 is something special.
But what went into making it look so absolutely stunning? In other words, pull back the production curtain and what can you see?
Quite a bit, in fact, as Insider producer Meredith Geaghan-Breiner explains in this fact-filled, beguiling video essay that gives you a fresh appreciation for how magical a creation Toy Story 4 actually is.