The short and the short of it: Overcoming fear to help others movingly infuses the delightful The Robot and the Whale

(courtesy IMDb (c) Premium Films)

A long time ago humans left the planet Earth. Lobo, a cheerful robot who loves animals and plants one day meets a stranded whale on the beach. Lobo will have to overcome his fear of water in order to save her, but it’s not easy especially since a single drop of water can make him rust. (courtesy YouTube)

Oh my heart but this is beautiful piece of just-so told animation.

A relatively simple story of a helpful, water averse robot – fair enough; think of the rust! – who has to overcome his fear to render assistance to help a whale who might otherwise die and leave her baby all alone in a big empty ocean.

In just six perfectly wrought minutes, the creators of The Robot and the Whale do exemplary world-building, fulsome characterisation and tell a story so beautifully formed, it moves you deeply.

If you need to be emboldened to overcome a great fear, or simply believe once again in the power of one small but pivotal act to change everything, then watch this lovely animated film and be reminded of the very best of what it means to be alive.

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