Hedgehog’s Home is an animated Film by based on the classic story by Branko Copic, a writer from former Yugoslavia, It’s a warm and universal tale that reminds us there truly is no place like home.(synopsis via Laughing Squid)
I have to say it’s not the first thing I think of when I think of hedgehogs but according to this delightful story by Eva Cvijanović, everyone in the forest treats them as “brave” and invincible”, especially, Hedgey, the hero of our tale.
Throughout the utterly-delightful rhyming storytelling, based, according to Laughing Squid, “on a children’s story of the same name by Serbian writer Branco Copic”, we learn about why Hedgey is so happy and content in his home, and it’s not for the reasons the other animals think.
In fact, the tale is the perfect example of appearances being deceiving, a reminder that what makes you rich is not what is most apparent but rather a state of mind, a soul-nourishing sense that you have found a home, in Hedge’s a literal and metaphorical one, and you need nothing more.
Made from felt using lovely stop motion animation, it is also a real delight to look at, a wonderful example of message meeting form in such a profoundly-touching way that it could well be one of the loveliest things you watch all year.
In your home, of course …