The short and the short of it: The playfully meaningful animation of Train Project

(courtesy Homework Radio (c) Luhan Wang)

What a magical world is woven in the few all-too-short minutes of Train Project, the thesis film submitted by Luhan Wang for Sheridan College Bachelor of Animation 2022.

Vivaciously colourful and exhibiting near-instant but fulsome worldbuilding, this gem of an animated short film gives us a diverse community on the rails, composed of one young person desperately trying to find a productive place to work/create and a menageries of super cute creatures from bulky lizard to bouncing birds and even flying pigs.

It’s a sheer delight and manages to convey both the joys and trials of community and how good it isn when you find your place.

Featuring music by Kunal Makhey and some very talented voice actors and guest animators, Train Project is one of those rare projects that immediately whisks you away to somewhere quite special and makes your time spent there quite beautifully worthwhile.

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