Hands up everyone who thinks that a raging zombie virus that has erased almost all signs of Homo Sapien life from the face of the planet may not be so good for robust population numbers of plant Earth by said hominid?
OK everyone? Good, pretty much all on the same page then. Apocalypses of pretty much every stripe aren’t good news generally for the human race but have you ever stopped to wonder as you watch The Walking Dead just how bad the news might be? Just how much up Undead S**t Creek without a paddle are we in fact?
The good people of SourceFedNERD have worked, using all sorts of hints, suggestions, data and information (and extrapolation) from the TV series and the comics to work out mathematically, like any good nerd would, just how many living people are keeping Rick and the gang company on planet Earth.
As host Matt Lieberman, not all that many really. (This may explain the lack of party invites in the apocalypse – who’s around to come along? – and why it’s so important that Judith was born and that Maggie is up the duff.)
(source: Laughing Squid)