You might have noticed that I have an inordinate fondness for people who take the accepted form of something and turn it, ever so slightly or with envelope-tearing joie de vivre, on its head.
Such is the minimalist but exquisitely colourful work of Polish artist Michal Krasnopolski who I discovered by a recent post on laughing squid.com.
Using an ingeniously simple grid as the basis for all his artwork, he has crafted 26 stunning posters which immediately and clearly tell a story, in many case far more quickly than their more artistically busy, standard movie poster cousins.
I fell in love with them at first sight and am seriously considering buying some of his works from society6.com.
While I wait for them to arrive, I’m happy to stand back and admire the simple beauty of his artwork which proves that less is definitely more, and that challenging the accepted norms is a pathway that more people should be following if it leads to art this striking and original.