Movie titles matter.
They can suggest action, adventure, laughs, deep emotions, horror, all thanks to a few judiciously-chosen words strung together and placed upon a poster for all the world to see (and these days, thanks to the interwebs, their release is a major event, on par with trailers and the movie themselves).
So what would happen, wondered DesignCrowd, if you tweaked those all-important titles by just one word? What would happen then?
Rather than sit in a small dark room pondering this alone, the company asks its many designers to have some fun with the idea, to let their musings take place and see what a movie title would suggest if it was just a teeny-tiny bit different.
The result is a host of posters, and movies, the likes of which you may have heard of, but which sound just different enough that you just want to see them in cinemas.
Don’t get any ideas Hollywood … this is a fun exercise in “what ifs”, not a brainstorming session.
(source: Laughing Squid)