Ask anyone who reads a lot of books what they love about them and they’ll likely tell you it’s the immersive worlds you are subsumed into, the vivid characters, the sense of escape into someone else’s life, the joy/the sadness/the exhilaration of being someone else for a while, the exotic worlds you get to travel to … the list goes on and on and on.
An answer that you’re unlikely to get from most people is that it makes fantastically imaginative nail art.
But as these examples, and a whole heap more at Buzzfeed, make clear, there are people for whom that is very much the case, who love fashioning their favourite book into stunning nail art that is both beautiful and a public statement of their literary devotion.
The intricacy and colours of the artwork is impressive in every instance, and apart from being beautiful to admire, they no doubt inspire untold numbers of people to go and check out books that otherwise might have passed them by.
It’s a win-win on every level and proof that you can bring the escapist richness of your reading experience back into the every day world with you.
Check out a whole host of other designs at Buzzfeed.