Welcome to Hawkins huh? New Stranger Things S2 poster presages ominous things to come

(image via Twitter (c) Netflix)


It’s 1984 and the citizens of Hawkins, Indiana are still reeling from the horrors of the demagorgon and the secrets of Hawkins Lab. Will Byers has been rescued from the Upside Down but a bigger, sinister entity still threatens those who survived. (Official Netflix synopsis)

The arrival of Stranger Things into the zeitgeist last year was one of those rare modern pop culture phenomena – expected but surprising all the same.

Set in the ’80s in the small town of Hawkins, Indiana, all small shops, mom and apple pie moments on the surface but all manner of weirdness below (helped along by a secret lab in their midst), and mixing horror with suspense and some good old-fashioned Spielberg-esque family politics, the first series was a sleeper hit that went from barely noticed to pretty much everywhere and then some in no time flat.

If you were standing around talking about Eleven, Barb or unorthodox uses for Christmas lights, then you weren’t spending enough time around the watercolour, real world or digital.

Now the show that gave Netflix an otherworldly glow of pop culture buzz is back, and as the poster indicates, things look like they will be just as weird, just as frightening and all about the close bonds of friendship as last time.

Cannot wait … just don’t dive in the pool in the meantime OK?

Stranger Things season 2 premieres 27 October on Netflix.


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