Now this my friends is how you conduct a daring and incredibly fun-filled sociological experiment.
You come up with deliberately provocative but still hilarious book titles, go onto crowded New York City subway and read away as if you’re reading something charmingly innocuous like Little Women or Harry Potter.
Then you surreptitiously film peoples’ reactions which run the gamut from quietly shocked to amused to greatly amused to “Oh no he did NOT!”
Comedian Scott Rogowsky, who according to Mashable is an honest to goodness bookworm as well as an astute shit-stirrer (as we Aussies call it; think of it as stirring the pot) of epically successful proportions.
And he didn’t hold back title-wise reading through Ass Eating Made Simple and Slut-Shaming Your Baby, and a host of others, all of which get the hoped-for reactions from New Yorkers why, by all accounts, are not that easily shocked.