SNAPSHOT James Tupper and Anne Heche star In Aftermath, which follows the Copeland family (parents Karen and Joshua, and their children Dana, Brianna and Matt) as they battle for survival when civilization comes to an apocalyptic end, triggered by massive storms, meteor strikes, earthquakes, a plague – and the Continue Reading
Movie review: The Confirmation
For most people, an every-other-weekend with their partly-shared custody kid would comprise a trip to the park, maybe a X-box game or two and perhaps even dinner out to somewhere fun and nutritionally suspect. But Walt is not most people and in Bob Nelson’s (Nebraska) latest excursion into the Continue Reading
Then the world went hazy: Ninth City Burning book trailer
SNAPSHOT We never saw them coming. Entire cities disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving nothing but dust and rubble. When an alien race came to make Earth theirs, they brought with them a weapon we had no way to fight, a universe-altering force known as thelemity. It Continue Reading